Sarah Edis Denture Clinic based in Harrison Dental, 41-45 St Marys Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1PU.
Below are links to some of my affiliates.
Harrison Dental is an up to date modern Practice, where you will find comfortable and luxurious surroundings. Our practice is completely digital for your safety and convenience.
A Private Practice offering a complete range of Dental Treatments from routine family Check-Ups and Dental Hygiene right through to full Cosmetic Smile Make-Overs, Dental Implants, Facial Aesthetics and Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment
General Dental Council
The General Dental Council (GDC) is the UK-wide statutory regulator of around 114,000 members of the dental team.
Our primary purpose is to protect patient safety and maintain public confidence in dental services. To achieve this, we register qualified dental professionals, set standards for the dental team, investigate complaints about dental professionals’ fitness to practise, and work to ensure the quality of dental education.